We want children to be curious, to play, and to explore the world around them in a meaningful way. When children actively participate with materials rich in potential, they will be encouraged to speak in many languages of expression and inquiries will emerge. Back Student Learning Tools. color: #000; It shows that when we don't feel threatened at all, we have a willingness to be vulnerable, to be open to new ideas and guidance from others -- the ideal learning scenario! We will: The Ministry of Education is responsible for child care and for administering the system of publicly funded elementary and secondary school education in Ontario. Also, the girl can walk while holding a toy and change the direction while walking. On April 10, we hosted a visit with Don Giesbrecht, CEO of the Canadian Child Care Federation. Unschooling, natural learning, Charlotte Mason Education, Montessori, Waldorf, apprenticeship, hands-on-learning, unit studies are supported to varying degrees by research by constructivist learning theories and situated cognition theories. Welcome to the new Publications Ontario eCommerce store. Additionally, we are continuing to follow the six principles of the ELECT document. How does learning happen follows four foundations, belonging, well-being, expression, and engagement. 0000002915 00000 n
4 How Children Learn. reflecting on the image of children, families and educators is the starting point for developing programs to support learning. NOT INSURED BY ANY STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCY. This pedagogical document also includes questions, for reflection - a section that challenges educators and, administrators to discuss and reflect on their taken-for-granted. -hRA`|@N)!je^ Learning is storing information that can be reproduced. Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years In the reference list you refer to the author of the text from which your information came (in this case, McKenzie). It highlights key information, practical examples and questions from How does learning happen: Ontario's pedagogy for the early years. 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