. . . . . . For models with a maximization sense, the senses of the dual values are reversed: the dual is 0 for a constraint and 0 for a constraint. . . . Lazy constraints remain inactive until a feasible solution is found, at which point the solution is checked against the lazy constraint pool. 2.2 Model Creation and Modification GRBloadmodel int GRBloadmodel ( GRBenv *env, GRBmodel **modelP, const char *Pname, int numvars, int numconstrs, int objsense, double objcon, double *obj, char *sense, double *rhs, int *vbeg, int *vlen, int *vind, double *vval, double *lb, double *ub, char *vtype, const char **varnames, const char **constrnames ) Create a new optimization model, using the provided arguments to initialize the model data (objective function, variable bounds, constraint matrix, etc.). . The result will contain one entry for each non-zero value. . Method GRBModel::get includes signatures that allow you to query or modify attribute values for arrays of variables or constraints. . . . . . Arguments: v: The variable whose value is desired. Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . . . . Its value can be queried using constr.rhs. The arguments must have the same size. . For example, setting this parameter to 0.1 will cause the MIP solver to switch strategies once the relative optimality gap is smaller than 0.1. . . . . . . . . 3.9 GRBQuadExpr Gurobi quadratic expression object. It then continues with a comprehensive presentation of all of the available classes and methods. var: Variable for new term. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . Only available for continuous models. . . . . . . . To give an example, if a constraint with rhspen value p is violated by 2.0, it would con- tribute 2*p to the feasibility relaxation objective for relaxobjtype=0, it would contribute 2*2*p for relaxobjtype=1, and it would contribute p for relaxobjtype=2. . . . PDF Slides will be available soon . password: The password for gaining access to the specified compute servers. . params: The params struct may contain Gurobi parameters. . . . . . . GRBEnv.Release() Release the license associated with this environment. void MultAdd ( double m, GRBQuadExpr qe ) Add a quadratic expression into a quadratic expression. . void AddTerm ( double coeff, GRBVar var1, GRBVar var2 ) Add a single quadratic term (coeff*var1*var2) into a quadratic expression. Arguments: i: The index of the quadratic term to be removed. . . . . . . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. 5.10 GRBTempConstr Gurobi temporary constraint object. Return value: 79, 80 . . . . . Youll need to explicitly set lower bounds if you want variables to be able to take negative values. . . Example usage: col0 = Column(1.0, c0) col1 = col0.copy() Column.getCoeff() getCoeff ( i ) Retrieve the coefficient from a single term in the column. . start: The first constraint of interest in the list. . Recall that the Gurobi optimizer employs a lazy update approach, so changes to attributes dont take effect until the next call to Model.update or Model.optimize on the associated model. The dispose method on a GRBEnv should be called only after you have called dispose on all of the models that were created within that environment. . . The HNT format is used to hold MIP hints. . . . . . . . . . . . . Modifying Solver Behavior - Callbacks Callbacks can also be used to modify the behavior of the Gurobi optimizer. . . . . 270 GRBException() . . . . . . Attribute name Description IISSOS Indicates whether the SOS constraint participates in the IIS 455, 456 . . . . . . . . . . . Available attributes are listed and described in the Attributes section of this document. . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input quadratic constraint. . . Parameter name Purpose WorkerPassword Password for distributed workers WorkerPool List of available distributed workers WorkerPort Non-default port number for distributed workers 491, 492 See the gurobi function for a description of models required fields and values. . Note that case is ignored. . . . . . . To give an example, if a constraint with rhspen value p is violated by 2.0, it would con- tribute 2*p to the feasibility relaxation objective for relaxobjtype=0, it would contribute 2*2*p for relaxobjtype=1, it would contribute p for relaxobjtype=2. . 253, 254 . The event included presentations from our customers and partners about how mathematical optimization is transforming their businesses, as well as product updates and technical training. . . Options are GRB_LESS_EQUAL, GRB_EQUAL, or GRB_GREATER_EQUAL. 268 GRBCallback.setSolution() . . In particular, callbacks are both less frequent and more restrictive. If the Compute Server has an access password, use the --password= switch to specify it. . . GRBModel::getQConstr() Retrieve the left-hand side expression from a quadratic constraint. . . . . . . . . 77 GRBsetintattrelement . . . . . . The first is to call the ChgCoeff method on a GRBModel object to change individual matrix coefficients. . x: The x values for the points that define the piecewise-linear function. . . . . . . . . . . . . Native Code As noted earlier, the Gurobi .NET interface is a thin layer that sits on top of our native code DLL. Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for moderate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. . . . . . . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . The default value of 0 disables the reformulation. . For example: # Gurobi parameter file Threads 1 MIPGap 0 Blank lines and lines that begin with the hash symbol are ignored. 161 GRBLinExpr::getConstant() . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . . . . 461 Status . . . One entry for each variable in argument vars. . . . . . Create an empty column. . . . . name: Name for new constraint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input variable. 311, 312 , xn }, y = {y1 , . . . Please note that you dont need to be too concerned about this issue. . 160 GRBLinExpr::addTerms() . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input constraint. In Python parlance, weve defined the following QuadExpr functions: __add__, __radd__, __iadd__, __sub__, __rsub__, __isub__, __mul__, __rmul__, __imul__, and __div__. . . GRBConstr addConstr ( const GRBLinExpr& lhsExpr, char sense, double rhsVal, string name="" ) Add a single linear constraint to a model. . . start: The index of the first constraint of interest in the list. . . If multiple linear constraints have the same name, this method chooses one arbitrarily. newvalue: Desired new value for coefficient. . . . rhs: Right-hand-side value for the new constraint. You'll find instructions for setting up your Gurobi license in this document, as well as a list of supported platforms, and Release Notes and guidelines for converting existing Gurobi code to run with this new version. . . . . GRBConstr::set() Set the value of a constraint attribute. . . 172 GRBColumn::getCoeff() . . GRBConstr AddRange ( GRBLinExpr expr, double lower, double upper, string name ) Arguments: expr: Linear expression for new range constraint. . . . 508 ImproveStartNodes . . . 403 6.4 Constr . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . It then discusses the different types of objects that are available in the interface, and the most important methods on those objects. . . . . In the example above, youd do this by issuing the command: > grbtune Method=2 TuneTimeLimit=100 misc07 For a MIP model, you will note that the tuning tool actually performs several baseline runs, and captures the mean runtime over all of these trials. . . constrs: A one-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being modified. Available attributes are listed and described in the Attributes section of this document. . . . . . . . . . . x: The x values for the points that define the piecewise-linear function. . . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . . . If minrelax is true, the return value is the objective value for the relaxation performed. . . . . . . . . . upper: Upper bounds for linear expressions. . . . . . 391, 392 Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . . Only available for basic solutions. . . . . Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . . . GRBEnv GRBEnv ( String logFileName, String computeserver, int port, String password, int priority, double timeout ) Create a client Gurobi environment on a compute server. Example usage: print model.getParamInfo(Heuristics) Model.getQCRow() getQCRow ( qconstr ) Retrieve the left-hand side expression from a quadratic constraint. . 229 GRBModel.set() . . Each member is captured using the variable name, followed by a colon, followed by the associated weight. . If the value is less than 0, it indicates that the method failed to create the feasibility relaxation. . For each attribute query routine, theres an analogous set routine. . . You should use one of the various get routines to retrieve the value of an attribute. . . . . . . . . . . . . GRBConstr Remove ( int i ) Remove the term stored at index i of the column. . . . . . void set ( GRB_CharAttr attr, char newvalue ) Set the value of a char-valued attribute. . Well also sometimes discuss special cases of MIP, including Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILP), Mixed Integer Quadratic Programs (MIQP), Mixed Integer Quadratically- Constrained Programs (MIQCP), and Mixed Integer Second-Order Cone Programs (MISOCP). . By default, Gurobi will send output to the screen. . . . . When choosing a branching variable from among a set of fractional variables, the Gurobi MIP solver will always choose a variable with higher priority over one with a lower priority. . . . . . . . One very important note: you should only add cuts that are implied by the constraints in your model. . . . . . . GRBModel presolve ( ) Return value: Presolved version of original model. . . . You should pass a -1 value, which indicates that the default port should be used, unless your server administrator has changed our recommended port settings. . . . . . Note that, if you wish to specify an advanced starting basis, you must set basis status information for all constraints and variables in the model. . . . . . Note that the type of the file is encoded in the file name suffix. . . . For this routine, the result could have one entry for each variable in the model, plus one entry for each constraint. . . . . cutrhs: Right-hand-side value for the new cutting plane. . . . . . . . . . . 352 13, 14 . . QCPDual Type: int Default value: 0 Dual variables for QCP models Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 1 Determines whether dual variable values are computed for QCP models. . Upon completion, the invoking quadratic expression will be equal to the sum of itself and the argument expression. A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while retrieving the variable coefficients. . . . . GRBEnv GRBEnv ( ) Create a Gurobi environment (with logging disabled). . . Arguments: 318, 319 . . . The number of non-zero coefficients in the linear constraints of the model. Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. 432 7 MATLAB API Overview 433 7.1 Solving models with the Gurobi MATLAB interface . SOS sets can be of type GRB_SOS_TYPE1 or GRB_SOS_- TYPE2. . . . . qconstrs: The quadratic constraints whose attribute values are being queried. . . . 312 GRBModel.GetQCRow() . . . . . . . 328 GRBModel.Tune() . GRBModel.Remove() Remove a variable, constraint, or SOS constraint from a model. . . . . . . Can be null, in which case the variables get infinite upper bounds. . DistributedMIPJobs Type: int Default value: 0 Distributed MIP job count Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: MAXINT Enables distributed MIP. . . . To give an example, if a constraint with rhspen value p is violated by 2.0, it would con- tribute 2*p to the feasibility relaxation objective for relaxobjtype=0, it would contribute 2*2*p for relaxobjtype=1, and it would contribute p for relaxobjtype=2. . . . . . count: The number of variable attributes to retrieve. . . . . This relaxation allows you to find a solution that minimizes the magnitude of the constraint violation. . . . port: The port number used to connect to the compute server. . . . . Depending on the structure of the model, solving the dual can reduce overall solution time. . . . . . It will normally 462, 463 . 3.12 GRBCallback Gurobi callback class. Please refer to the Attributes section to see a list of all string attributes and their functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . sense (optional): Optimization sense (GRB_MINIMIZE for minimization, GRB_MAXIMIZE for maximization). . . void ReadParams ( string paramfile ) Arguments: paramfile: Name of the file containing parameter settings. More formally, a set of n points x = {x1 , . . void setObjective ( GRBQuadExpr quadexpr, int sense=0 ) 148, 149 . . . . . NumConstrs Type: int Modifiable: No The number of linear constraints in the model. . Arguments: le: Linear expression to add. . . . . . Adding this vector to any feasible solution of the dual model yields a new solution that is also feasible but improves the dual objective. . 467 VarHintPri . String get ( GRB.StringAttr attr ) Query the value of a string-valued attribute. SOLUTION_LIMIT 10 Optimization terminated because the number of solutions found reached the value specified in the SolutionLimit parameter. . . . . len: The number of constraints. . . . . . . For information on possible values of where, and the int-valued information that can be queried for different values of where, please refer to the Callback section. . 467 VarHintVal . . . You must specify one value for each row of A, or a single value to specify that all constraints have the same sense. . . . 487 10 Parameters 489 10.1 Parameter Guidelines . . . . . . IntVio Type: double Modifiable: No A MIP solver wont always assign strictly integral values to integer variables. Search for jobs related to Gurobi optimizer reference manual or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. 267 GRBCallback.getSolution() . If you have set up an access password on the distributed worker machines, youll need to provide it through the WorkerPassword parameter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RC Type: double Modifiable: No The reduced cost in the current solution. The Gurobi Optimizer handles all of these model classes. . . . . . . . . . . See the description of the cbeg argument for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . . SOS constraints are always associated with a particular model. . Building large expressions in this way also leads to quadratic runtimes. 245 4.4 GRBConstr . . . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. Return value: Second variable associated with the quadratic term at index i in the quadratic expression. . . You should not attempt to use a GRBEnv object after calling Dispose. . . Create an empty quadratic expression, or copy an existing expression. . . . . type: The type of the SOS set (either GRB.SOS_TYPE1 or GRB.SOS_TYPE2) is returned in type[0]. . . . . . . These distributed algorithms are designed to be nearly transparent to the user. The concurrent environments created by getConcurrentEnv will be used by every subsequent call to the concurrent optimizer until the concurrent environments are discarded. 127 GRBModel::addVar() . . . 209 GRBModel.discardConcurrentEnvs() . . Return value: Copy of input column. . . Return value: 200, 201 names: Names for new constraints. . . . . Note that FeasRelax must solve an optimization problem to find the minimum possible relaxation when minrelax=true, which can be quite expensive. . The default -1 value chooses automatically. . . . . Note that if you use lazy constraints by setting the Lazy attribute (and not through a callback), theres no need to set this parameter. The ALO algorithm mimics the hunting mechanism of antlions in nature. Optimization terminates when the first solve completes. . If you wish to mix and match these two approaches, please note that this method will replace the existing objective. . . . . . To set the upper bound of a variable, for example: v = m.getVars()[0] v.ub = 0 (In this example, weve set the upper bound for the first variable in the model to 0). . . . . . . . . . . . . 554 15 Logging 555 15.1 Simplex Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constrs: A one-dimensional array of constraints whose attribute values are being queried. For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . You will no longer be able to call optimize on models created with this environment after the license has been released. . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. This isnt always strictly true for interior point solutions. . . . . . . . Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . . . . . . . . . The following is a list of fields that might be available in the returned result. . . . . . Return value: An exception object. . . Typical usage is to call this routine twice. . . . . . . senses: Senses for new linear constraints (GRB.LESS_EQUAL, GRB.EQUAL, or GRB.GREATER_- EQUAL). A range constraint states that the value of the input expression must be between the specified lower and upper bounds in any solution. . . . . . . . . . Create a constant quadratic expression. . . . . . . . Return value: New constraint object. . For a double-valued parameter, you would use GRBsetdblparam. . When solving a model using multiple threads, note that the user callback is only ever called from a single thread, so you dont need to worry about the thread-safety of your callback. . . . You can also obtain information about the results of the IIS computation by writing a .ilp format file (see GRBwrite). . . . . 271 GRB.CharAttr . . Head of Applications and Hamiltonian Design team at PASQAL, developing solutions compatible with our quantum processing units. . . . . . . . . . . When you specify a heuristic solution from a callback, variables initially take undefined values. . Specifically, by passing data between a client and a server, your program is dependent on both machines being available, and on an uninterrupted network connection between the two systems. . . . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while querying the attribute. . . Return value: Boolean result indicates whether the two variable objects refer to the same model variable. A LinExpr object for a linear model, or a QuadExpr object for a quadratic model. . . double get ( GRB.DoubleParam param ) 194, 195 122 GRBModel() . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . To give a simple example, solving an optimization model causes the X variable attribute to be populated. start: The first constraint of interest in the list. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lazy Updates One very important item to note about attribute and model modifications in the Gurobi optimizer is that they are performed in a lazy fashion, meaning that they dont actually affect the model until the next call to Optimize or Update on that model object. . . . logfilename: The name of the log file for this environment. . . Here is the copyright notice for that library: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998-2010, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. . For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. . . . . The result is returned as a GRBLinExpr object. For example, the following command: gurobi_cl InputFile=model.bas model.mps would start the optimization of the continuous model stored in file model.mps using the basis provided in file model.bas. . . . There are two signatures for this method. . . valP: The location in which the requested matrix coefficient should be placed. . Return value: The current values of the requested attribute for each input variable. . You will generally only need one environment object in your program. . In other words, error codes returned by this method are those that GRBoptimize itself would have returned, had the original method not been asynchronous. . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. Example usage: int desired[] = {0, 2, 4, 6}; double x[4]; error = GRBgetdblattrlist(model, "X", 4, desired, cbasis); GRBsetdblattrlist int GRBsetdblattrlist ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, double *values ) Set the values of a double-valued array attribute. . . . . . . You can query the number of terms in the expression using the size method. . . model: The model to optimize. . . . . . . . . . By default, the Gurobi MIP solver strikes a balance between finding new feasible solutions and proving that the current solution is optimal. . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Constants . . These are described here. . . . . . char get ( GRB_CharAttr attr ) Query the value of a char-valued attribute. QCName Type: string Modifiable: Yes Quadratic constraint name. . Attributes are grouped into a set of enums by type (GRB_CharAttr, GRB_DoubleAttr, GRB_- IntAttr, GRB_StringAttr). . Note also that youll get much better performance if you warm start your linear program using a simplex basis (using VBasis and CBasis). 259 GRBQuadExpr.getValue() . . . . . . . Example usage: double penalties[]; error = GRBfeasrelax(model, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, penalties, NULL); error = GRBoptimize(model); GRBfixedmodel GRBmodel * GRBfixedmodel ( GRBmodel *model ) Create the fixed model associated with a MIP model. . . . count: The number of variable attributes to retrieve. . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. . . . . . . . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input quadratic constraint. For example, constraint right-hand sides can be queried by calling get(GRB.DoubleAttr.RHS). Example usage: int mycallback(GRBmodel *model, void *cbdata, int where, void *usrdata); error = GRBsetcallbackfunc(model, mycallback, NULL); 101, 102 65 GRBgetcoeff . . . . . Note that the quadratic terms wont actually be removed until the next call to GRBoptimize or GRBupdatemodel. . . . . . . . . names: Names for new constraints. . . . . . . . specified constraint range in numnzP. . . While the tuning tool tries to limit the impact of these effects, the final result will typically still be heavily influenced by such issues. , optimizing the returned result 5.10 GRBTempConstr Gurobi temporary constraint object WorkerPassword parameter available. Environment should be retrieved using the environment wildcard to indicate that SOS number 2 has two non-zero values are sufficient. Are temporary objects that are available, it will lead to some wasted,. Shared keys as its argument is using machine server1 will act as the requested for No improving gurobi optimizer reference manual sets are stored in order of decreasing quality, with set! 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