Every year the association coordinates the day of French language within International Organisations. For the speakers of French, see, "Francosphere" redirects here. The Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie and the Permanent Council of La Francophonie were created, and the role of the ACCT as the secretariat of all of the organization's institutions was confirmed. The OIF implements multilateral francophone cooperation projects alongside the Assemble parlementaire de la Francophonie [Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie] and four operating agencies: Agence universitaire de la Francophonie [Association of Francophone Universities], TV5MONDE, Association internationale des maires francophones [International Association of Francophone Mayors], and Universit Senghor [Senghor University] in Alexandria. This summit also underscored the promotion of cultural diversity as more legitimate and necessary than ever, ascribing it a role in promoting peace. Sur tous les continents, le Franais est parl comme langue maternelle. Canadian Jean-Louis Roy was secretary of the Agence de coopration culturelle et technique from 1989 until the formal creation of the Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie in 1997 with former Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutros Boutros-Ghali as the first secretary-general of La Francophonie. Forty-one countries and governments were represented. Its mission is to contribute to the construction and consolidation of a scientific space in French. The Heads of State and Government made a commitment to implement the Bamako Declaration on democracy, good governance and human rights. Michalle Jean sought a second four-year term as Secretary-General but was defeated by. Le franais reste aim en Roumanie plus qu'ailleurs et recherch dsormais pour son ouverture sur le monde. Le Sommet dfinit les orientations de la Francophonie dans un Cadre stratgique dcennal de manire assurer son rayonnement dans le monde. Accueil / Langue franaise / Les ressources TV5MONDE. Le Prsident James Michel a adress ses chaleureuses flicitations la Canadienne Mickaelle Jean la suite de sa nomination comme nouvelle Secrtaire Gnrale de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie par le XVe Sommet des Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement . D'autant plus qu'en Asie-Pacifique la Francophonie fait face actuellement aux enjeux propres ce continent. The term francophonie (with a lowercase "f"), or francosphere (often capitalized in English), also refers to the global community of French-speaking peoples,[5] comprising a network of private and public organizations promoting equal ties among countries where French people or France played a significant historical role, culturally, militarily, or politically. The term designates the ensemble of people, organisations and governments that share the use of French on a daily basis and as administrative language, teaching language or chosen language. In addition, they resolved to cooperate with the international community in protecting human rights. Jacques Legendre, the French senate's rapporteur on the Francophonie, expressed his concern that the OIF was becoming "a second-rate duplicate of the General Assembly of the UN". Find "Sommet De La Francophonie" stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. The International Organization of the Francophonie aims at connecting the various peoples using French as a common language through their knowledge. Aprs le secrtaire gnral de l'OIF, la dlgation sngalaise a eu des entretiens avec Laurent Fabius sur le sommet de la Francophonie. Il statue sur ladmission de nouveaux membres de plein droit, de membres associs et de membres observateurs lOIF. Les tats de l'Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) ont trouv un consensus sur un report d'un an du Sommet Djerba (Tunisie).Le 18e Sommet de la Francophonie qui devait se tenir en Tunisie en novembre 2021, a t report une nouvelle fois, cause de la Covid-19 et surtout de la crise Christian Rioux, "Faut-il encore largir la Francophonie? Les religions et les croyances du Sngal, Programme du Village de la Francophonie du 24 au 30 novembre 2014. La runion a permis, galement, d'aborder les manifestations caractre culturel et conomique qui seront organises en marge du Sommet l'instar du village de la Francophonie (13-22 . Cest pourquoi nous devons aussi nous ouvrir aux non francophones.". [9], The Agency of the Francophonie is the main operator of the cultural, scientific, technical, economic and legal cooperation programs decided at the Summits. The term was coined by Onsime Reclus in 1880 and became important as part of the conceptual rethinking of . Il adopte toute rsolution qu'il juge ncessaire au bon fonctionnement de la Francophonie et la ralisation de ses objectifs. On that occasion, the Montreal daily Le Devoir, which reports extensively on the OIF and its summits, remarked that several members of this "merry madhouse" that the OIF had become did not even recognize Kosovo as a country. Issues discussed included climate change, food and economic crises, and problems related to biodiversity, water and forests. By enabling the Heads of state and government to hold a dialogue on all of the international issues of the day, the Summit serves to develop strategies and goals of the Francophonie so as to ensure the organisation's influence on the world scene. Photo : Christian Ter Stepanian, Ambassadeur, Reprsentant personnel du Prsident de la Rpublique d'Armnie l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie. Le sommet de la Francophonie, qui devait avoir lieu Djerba en novembre, a t officiellement report d'un an ce mercredi 13 octobre. The summit's main theme was youth. Two secondary themes, the economy and new technologies, were also discussed. [34] It also organizes seminaries to increase awareness about the importance of linguistic, cultural and conceptual diversity. enjeux environnementaux et conomique face la gouvernance mondiale, le sommet s'apprte accueillir prs de 3 000 personnes (participants . Promoting French language and cultural and linguistic diversity. ", Le Devoir, Montreal, 26 November 2016. Rendez-vous ici, pour en Nearly 50 countries and governments from all five continents attended. l'origine, le Sommet de la Francophonie devait avoir lieu Tunis en 2020, mais il a t report une premire fois cause de la pandmie. [35] It provides wide access to original television programmes in French, and contributes to the development of the language and French-speaking cultures. Le Sommet mondial de la francophonie, qui devait se drouler sur l'le tunisienne de Djerba les 20 et 21 novembre prochain, vient d'tre report 2022. 1 quart des jeunes dans le Monde ont entre 15 et 29 ans. Prime Minister Chrtien and President Chirac felt compelled to declare at the close of the summit that a human rights observatory would be established to tackle the problem. [9], The Permanent Council of the Francophonie gathers the Ambassadors of the member countries, chaired by the General Secretary of the Francophonie and under the authority of the Ministerial Conference, its main task is to plan Summits. Comme il y a normment de jeunes dans la Francophonie, c'est un espace dynamique, Les enfants et les jeunes constituent la majorit de la population, ce qui tmoigne du dynamisme de la population. [28] In 2018, Louisiana became the first US state to join, as an observer. Les membres du Conseil permanent de la. [25] Mali's membership was also suspended in March 2012[26] due to a coup d'tat, and then the Central African Republic was suspended for instances of la Francophonie at the 88th session of the CPF[clarification needed] (March 2012), as well as Guinea-Bissau on 18 April 2012[27] for the same reason. Abdou Diouf, the former president of the Republic of Senegal, became Secretary General on January 1, 2003. Supporting education, training, higher education and scientific research. The world financial and food crises were discussed and environmental talks were held. The current charter was adopted in Antananarivo, on 23 November 2005. Find the perfect Sommet De La Francophonie stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. TV5Monde is the first international French language television network, available in many countries. Finally in 2005, the adoption of a new Charter of the Francophonie (la Charte de la Francophonie) gives the name to the Agency of international Organisation of the Francophonie (Organisation internationale de la Francophonie). Ce forum est modr a priori: votre contribution napparatra quaprs avoir t valide par un administrateur du site. Depuis le dernier Sommet de la Francophonie qui a eu lieu Erevan en Armnie les 11 et 12 octobre 2018, aucun autre Sommet n'a pu se tenir en raison de la pandmie de Covid19. In October 2018, the Irish Minister of State for European Affairs explained that Ireland's accession to the OIF with observer status was one of the steps set out in 'Global Ireland', the Government's initiative to double the scope and impact of Ireland's global footprint in the period to 2025. Sommet de la Francophonie 2014 Du 29 au 30 novembre 2014, se tiendra au Sngal, le 15e Sommet de la Francophonie encore appel Confrence des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement des pays ayant en commun la langue franaise . 31/10/2022 19:46. File P343C,9 - [Dossier d'information de l'Ontario - 2me Sommet de la Francophonie, Qubec, les 2, 3 et 4 septembre 1987][Correspondance] File P343C,10 - [Annexe du Dossier d'information de l'Ontario - 2me Sommet de la Francophonie, Qubec, les 2, 3 et 4 septembre 1987] Les jeunes font face des dfis de l'insertion en emploi et d'un chmage plus lev. Kinshasa abritera bel et bien en octobre prochain le 14me Sommet de la Francophonie. The theme of the Summit was La Francophonie, Economic and Environment Issues in the face of Global Governance. For this reason, it is a place of exchange and dialogue and its simultaneous in Francophone countries. The Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF; sometimes shortened to the Francophonie, French: La Francophonie [la fkfni],[3][note 1] but also called International Organisation of La Francophonie in English-language context[4]) is an international organization representing countries and regions where French is a lingua franca or customary language, where a significant proportion of the population are francophones (French speakers), or where there is a notable affiliation with French culture. A ministerial conference on conflict prevention and human security was held concurrently in St. Boniface, Manitoba and adopted the very first ten-year strategic framework for La Francophonie, which henceforth defines its four main missions: 1) promoting the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity; 2) promoting peace, democracy and human rights; 3) supporting education, training, higher education and research; and 4) developing cooperation to ensure sustainable development and solidarity. It is chaired by the Head of state and government of the host country, and this person assumes that responsibility until the next Summit. No need to register, buy now! Le Sommet devrait avoir lieu, les 19 et 20 novembre, sur l'le de Djerba . Celle du Qubec a finalement t confirme en fin de journe vendredi. [7][8], The Secretary General of the Francophonie is elected during the Summit, and serves as the spokesperson and the official representative internationally of the political actions of the Francophonie. L'organisation de la Francophonie fait tout pour que la jeunesse soit quipe pour reprsenter ses valeurs, les fasse durer et les fasse voluer. D'un ct, elle suscite de l'intrt pour les pays de la rgion, notamment la Thalande et la Core du Sud, voire la Chine, en raison de sa potentialit politique et conomique. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Une dcision prise l'issue d'une runion du Conseil permanent de la francophonie, tenue ce 12 octobre. Based on the sharing of the French language, the missions of this new intergovernmental organization are the promotion of the cultures of its members and the intensification of the cultural and technical cooperation between them, as well as the solidarity and the connection between them through dialogue. Education policies must also give French an integral place alongside the partner languages. You know that for them the boss is always 'le patron' and friends are 'grand frere'. Le Village, ce sera galement des animations culturelles avec des concerts, des expositions, et plusieurs autres activits grand public. En tant francophones nous sommes par l mme universels et cette universalit nous appelle beaucoup dexigence car la francophonie est dabord une cole. Le fait qu'il soit moins qu'auparavant marqu de nostalgie reprsente plutt une bonne nouvelle. [40], The International Organization of the Francophonie leads political actions and multilateral cooperation according to the missions drawn by the Summits of the Francophonie. Au menu des discussions cette anne, les organisateurs ont retenus comme thmes principaux les relations internationales et la place de la francophonie dans la gouvernance mondiale, les dfis lis au dveloppement durable, la scurit alimentaire et aux changements climatiques, ainsi que la langue franaise et l'ducation dans le monde. Le bureau du premier ministre canadien a dclar, par voie de communiqu ce mercredi 2 novembre 2022, qu'il participera au Sommet de la Francophonie Djerba du 19 au 20 novembre.Il s . Report deux reprises pour cause de pandmie, le Sommet de la Francophonie se tiendra les 19 et 20 novembre . Publi le 14 novembre 2014 | 1 commentaire Suivre des tudes et apprendre un travail sont essentiels, l'ducation et la formation sont primordiales, Les obstacles sont diffrents selon les pays, Les obstacles se posent en des termes diffrents, Dans certains pays, les jeunes femmes rencontrent des obstacles plus importants que les jeunes hommes, Dans plusieurs pays, les dfis qui se posent aux jeunes femmes sont considrables par rapport aux jeunes hommes, La Francophonie souhaite que les jeunes s'engagent pour leur avenir travers les valeurs de paix, respect et solidarit, La Francophonie veut les jeunes forgent eux-mmes leur propre destin en se basant sur les valeurs de paix, respect et solidarit. Le prsident du Comit national d'organisation (CNO) du 18me Sommet de la Francophonie Moncef Sassi, a fait savoir que 91 sur 110 invits l de haut niveau ont confirm leur participation cet vnement. The Summits gather the Heads of states and governments of the member countries of the International Organization of the Francophonie where they discuss international politics, world economy, French-speaking cooperation, human rights, education, culture and democracy. The conference was an effort to establish ongoing consultations on major issues of the day. La Francophonie agit pour que sa jeunesse soit outille pour incarner ses valeurs, les perptuer et les faire progresser, La Francophonie fait rgulirement appelle aux jeunes Francophones du monde entier pour des vnements particuliers, La Francophonie mobilise rgulirement des jeunes issus des quatre coins du Monde pour des vnements spciaux. Les 15-29 ans reprsentent le quart de la population Mondiale, Il y a 245 millions de jeunes en Francophonie. D'ici 2050, les projections montrent que la population de jeunes des pays francophones sera multipli par plus de quatre fois, Les jeunes sont l'avantage essentiel pour la Francophonie, Les jeunes eux mme constituent le principal atout de cette stratgie, On remarque que de plus en plus de jeunes se mobilisent, On note l'engagement croissant des jeunes, La Francophonie doit aider les jeunes qui souhaitent s'engager dans la vie politique ou sociale d'un pays, La Francophonie doit soutenir le dsir des jeunes de contribuer la vie politique et la cohsion sociale, Les jeunes font face des challenges: trouver du travail est difficile et le chmage est important. Marie Verdier, "La francophonie en pleine errance", "Cette langue porte les plus beaux mots du monde: la solidarit, la tolrance, le respect de la personne humaine, lattachement la diversit des cultures. [10], The Ministerial Conference of the Francophonie gathers the foreign or francophone affairs ministers of member states and governments every year to ensure the political continuity of the Summit. It also provides an important mobility program for the students, the researchers and the professors. For example at the Beyrouth Summit (2002), when Louise Beaudoin, Minister of international relations of Quebec called for tightening the admission criteria to the OIF. This sharp increase in the number of member states, many of whom have only the remotest connection with the French language and culture, has been a matter of growing concern. It affirmed the role of the French language as a modern tool for progress and intercultural dialogue and sought to convey Francophone solidarity through concrete programs with broad appeal. The Summit addressed crisis and consolidation of peace in the Francophone world including questions of security and responding to Daesh [ISIS] and its affiliates in Africa, the promotion of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, the prevention of extremism, and the vocational and technical training, energy, the promotion of linguistic diversity, the situation of children, local development, environment, dialogue between cultures as a factor of sustainable development, road safety and the blue economy. A Kinshasa, le prsident franais rappelle que "la bataille pour les droits de l'homme demeure" lors du sommet de la Francophonie. Find the perfect sommet de la francophonie stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. [17] "How will the Francophonie be able to promote freedom of the press, as part of its mission of advocating for human rights, if it's headed by one of the key leaders of a country that's trampled on media freedom and repressed journalists for 18 years?" L'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie ne s'est pas encore prononce, la Coalition avenir Qubec de Franois Legault non plus, or Mme Anglade estime que le Qubec devrait y tre. En marge du XVe Sommet de la Francophonie, le Sngal perptuera la tradition du Village de la Francophonie, instaure depuis le Sommet de Qubec en 2008. ", La presse canadienne fait assaut de critiques sur la Francophonie, "France backs controversial Rwandan candidate to head Francophonie", L'Assemble des Francophones Fonctionnaires des Organisations Internationales (AFFOI), Prix des cinq continents de la francophonie, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, Countries by the number of recognized official languages, Countries and capitals in native languages, List of languages without official status, Languages by the number of countries in which they are recognized as an official language, International Organization of Turkic Culture, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Organisation_internationale_de_la_Francophonie&oldid=1112436857, French-speaking countries and territories, United Nations General Assembly observers, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2022, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Il adopte toute rsolution quil juge ncessaire au bon fonctionnement de la Francophonie et la ralisation de ses objectifs. Le 18e Sommet de la Francophonie se tiendra Djerba, en Tunisie, les 19 et 20 novembre 2022 alors que celui de 2020 avait d tre annul. Expand cooperation for sustainable development. There had been a consensus at the Kinshasa Summit (2012), that the enlargement of the OIF should be restricted and several members even called for a total stop but they were ignored. Its mission is to support the French language and the linguistic diversity within International Organisations. Theme of the summit was Dialogue of Cultures. Summit agreed to create the position of Secretary General and transform the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT) into the Intergovernmental Agency of La Francophonie (AIF), and to establish the position of chief executive to manage it. : +33 (0)1 44 37 33 00 francophonie.org @OIFfrancophonie Les tats de l'Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF) ont trouv un consensus sur un report d'un an du Sommet Djerba. The modern organisation was created in 1970. The Charter of the Francophonie defines the institution; its highest authority, the Summit of the Francophonie; and its cornerstone, the Secretary General of the Francophonie, a position currently held by Louise Mushikiwabo. "un doublon mdiocre de l'Assemble Gnrale des Nations-Unies". The Francophonie has been a pioneer in terms of the recognition of cultural diversity and dialogue of cultures. Their job is to facilitate Francophone multilateral cooperation and to ensure that programs and activities of all operating agencies work in harmony. Promoting peace, democracy and human rights. The convention which created the Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation (Agence de Coopration Culturelle et Technique) was signed on 20 March 1970 by the representatives of the 21 states and governments under the influence of African Heads of State, Lopold Sdar Senghor of Senegal, Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia, Hamani Diori of Niger and Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia. Il lit la Secrtaire gnrale de la Francophonie. Mardi, Mankeur Ndiaye et sa dlgation seront . The association pursues its actions in the domains of health, culture, youth and education, urban development, training, and municipal infrastructures. Espace. Le temps d'un sommet de la francophonie, il a fait agrable dans la capitale. Le prsident du Comit national d'organisation (CNO) du 18me Sommet de la Francophonie Moncef Sassi, a fait savoir que 91 sur 110 invits l de haut niveau ont confirm leur participation cet vnement. 13 k subscribers in the francophonie community. It must find ways of confronting the trend towards uniformity that accompanies globalization and fostering the preservation and development of cultural diversity.[42]. Ins Jelassi reoit ce matin , Mr Sahbi Khalfallah, ambassadeur, conseiller du ministre des affaires trangres charg du 18me sommet de la francophonie. Sommet de la Francophonie : c'est la fte au village En marge du XVe Sommet de la Francophonie, le Sngal perptuera la tradition du Village de la Francophonie, instaure depuis le Sommet de Qubec en 2008. Le XIIe Sommet de la Francophonie s'est ouvert hier. The Senghor University regularly organizes seminaries to help its students and of the public specialized in the domains of its action, by collaborating with the other operators and the institutions of the Francophonie. An open letter signed by four former French ministers for international cooperation condemned this move, on one hand because it was taken unilaterally by the French president without consultation with the other member states of the organisation, and on the other because it disregarded President Kagames lamentable track record on human rights. [36], The International Association of French-speaking Mayors was created in Quebec City in 1979 on the initiative of Jean Pelletier and Jacques Chirac, then the respective mayors of Quebec City and Paris. La Francophonie is a group of 88 states and member governments and observers that share French as a common language, as well as values in common. [61], French President Macron's surprise announcement in May 2018 that France officially backed the nomination of Louise Mushikiwabo, Rwanda's longtime foreign minister, as the next secretary general of the OIF was seen by many as a setback for the defense and promotion of human rights. To promote the French language and cultural and linguistic diversity; To promote peace, democracy and human rights; To support education, training, higher education and research; To foster economic cooperation to bolster sustainable development. the term francophonie (with a lowercase "f"), or francosphere (often capitalized in english), also refers to the global community of french-speaking peoples, [5] comprising a network of private and public organizations promoting equal ties among countries where french people or france played a significant historical role, culturally, militarily, Du 17 au 19 octobre se tenait le Toronto Global Forum l'htel Fairmont Royal York et, pour une troisime anne conscutive, un volet francophone intitul Sommet sur la francophonie conomique faisait partie de la programmation. The International Organization of the Francophonie relies on five operating agencies to carry out its mandate: lAgence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF); TV5Monde; lAssociation Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF); l'Association des Fonctionnaires Francophones des Organisations Internationales (AFFOI); and lUniversit Senghor dAlexandrie.[31]. Lors de la 3me runion du L'article Sommet de la Francophonie : 91 invits de haut niveau . La Tunisie s'est vue honore par ses pairs francophones pour accueillir le XVIIIme Sommet de la Francophonie qui se. The Francophonie project ceaselessly evolved since the creation of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation, it became the intergovernmental Agency of the Francophonie (Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie) in 1998 to remind its intergovernmental status. Le Sommet dfinit les orientations de la Francophonie dans un Cadre stratgique dcennal de manire assurer son rayonnement dans le monde. Actions of the International Organization of the Francophonie are scheduled over a period of four years and funded by contributions from its members.[41]. Resolutions were passed on 1) the situation in Mali; 2) the situation in the DRC; 3) piracy in the Gulf of Guinea; 4) good governance of the extractive and forest industries; and 5) crisis situations, crisis recovery and peacebuilding in La Francophonie. Le Prsident Michel flicite la nouvelle Secrtaire Gnrale, et Madagascar qui accueillera le 16e sommet. Ce formulaire accepte les raccourcisSPIP [->url] {{gras}} {italique}
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. Les membres de l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) ont approuv la recommandation du Conseil Permanent de la Francophonie pour reporter le sommet novembre 2022 et le maintien de . C'est donc officiel : Le Premier ministre canadien, Justin Trudeau, sera sous le ciel djerbien, dans le cadre du Sommet de la Francophonie.Un retournement de situation spectaculaire quand on sait tout ce qu'a fait le jeune leader canadien pour torpiller la grand-messe de la Francophonie en terre tunisienne. The goal is to establish close cooperation in all areas of municipal activities. Select from premium "Sommet De La Francophonie" of the highest quality. The Charte de la Francophonie defines the role and missions of the organization. Thanks to subtitles in various languages, it provides access to the Francophonie to non-French speakers - it is translated into 12 languages. At the 2014 summit in Dakar, former Governor General of Canada Michalle Jean was chosen to lead the organization starting in January 2015. [37][38], The project of creating a French-speaking university in the service of African development was presented and adopted following the Dakar Summit in 1989. [24] Madagascar's membership was suspended in April 2009 due to an unconstitutional transfer of power on 17 March 2009. [48] Despite calls for a moratorium on the admission of new members,[49][50] each new Sommet de la Francophonie has witnessed the admission of batches of new members that have little, if anything, to do with the French language: Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Dominican Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Estonia and Montenegro in 2010; Qatar and Uruguay in 2012; Mexico, Costa Rica and Kosovo in 2014. The Agency's headquarters are in Paris and it has three regional branches in Libreville, Gabon; Lom, Togo; and Hanoi, Vietnam. Le prsident du Comit national d'organisation (CNO) du 18me Sommet de la Francophonie, Moncef Sassi, a fait savoir que 91 des 110 invits de haut niveau ont confirm leur participation cet vnement, prvu les 19 et 20 novembre sur l'le de Djerba en Tunisie. (Select the subtitle language in the YouTube settings), Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, 19-21 avenue Bosquet 75007 Paris (France). Heads of State and Government decided to focus the operating agencies' activities on the five major cooperation programs of La Francophonie: 1) freedom, democracy and development; 2) culture and communications; 3) knowledge and progress; 4) economics and development; and 5) La Francophonie in the world. De qui on se moque vraiment, en rendant la ville . Il y a actuellement plus d'un milliard de jeunes l'chelle Mondiale.
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