The second part, titled "Silencing the Fallen Afghan Star," follows the story of one of the two final female contestants, Setara, who becomes notorious for her "dance moves" and "liberal . Head film critic for Mountain Xpress from December 2000 until his death in June 2016. Our actions can have a profound impact on other people, and its actually quite possible to make friends and even change the lives of others. In my own country, I tend to decry this kind of cheap entertainment, and there's a sense in which the reactionaries have a point when they lament the invasion of foreign culture; but they offer only regression and ignorance as an alternative. Afghan Star premiered in 2005, four years after the fall of the Taliban, which had outlawed singing in 1996; it is one of the most-watched shows in Afghanistan. She was frowned upon for the scarf moment which caught everyone's attention. The film focuses on four of the top contestants, Rafi Naabzada, Hameed Sakhizada, Setara Hussainzada, and Lema Sahar. He wasn't Taliban; in fact, he was part of the government, so you never knew what was about to happen. 2 wins & 3 nominations. | Countries - Afghanistan, United Kingdom | MPAA Rating - NR Scrobble, find and rediscover music with a account, Do you have the artwork for this album? Setara Hussainzada. She has started her life as a mother, still hoping to be a pop-music idol someday. The film looks at where Setara is now and the impact that her controversial performance has had on her life and her country, including ever-present threats to her safety. It's a very loosely based version of the true account of Setara Hussainzada, a woman who sang on national television in Afghanistan's version of " American Idol ," known as " Afghan Star ," even though it's illegal for women to sing. For a brief moment, Marking's lens brings some of the colors of these conflicts into focus, before dissolving into so many more questions. Not rated. In Havana Marking's "Afghan Star," "Pop Idol" comes to Kabul. At this point I dont know if Setara Hussainzada was a good man or not. The following are edited excerpts from that conversation. See here for our terms of service. Start the wiki, Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. UNRATED Year: 2009 87 Website 440 Views. In 2007, Setara Hussainzada was one of four contestants and one of two women on the third season of Afghan Star, a widely popular TV show that debuted in the cultural flowering following the fall of the Taliban in 2001. [1] Contents 1 Format These comic reversals move at the speed of tectonic plates. [CDATA[// >