Design byPerceptions Design Studio. At the end of their first missionary journey while Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, some Jews came down from Judea insisting the only way a Gentile could be saved was to convert to Judaism, as well as to trust in Christ. The Book of Acts portrays a very interesting relationship between Peter and Paul. Peters words are most significant. Our friendship began with a shopping trip to buy a pair of shoes while he was on furlough. Yet a study of the Gospels reveals an interesting pattern. In Acts 6, the problem of the alleged preferential treatment of certain widows was handled by the apostles collectively, and in such as way as to involve the whole church (6:2, 5). The apostles in Jerusalem were about as attracted to Paul as a cat to a dog. This Hilarious Card Game Will Keep You In Holy Stitches (and Out of Confession)! His argument is allotted five verses (7-11) by Luke. Peter, on the other hand, is regarded as the apostle to the Jews, or more accurately, the apostle to the circumcised (2:7). Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. Often a leader who has been given singular power will fall into error and sin, for he is also often considered above and beyond rebuke. But in addition, Peter is admitting he was wrong, and Paul was right. in 1971. Peters explanation of the events leading up to his visit to the home of Cornelius, along with his description of what took place as he preached, was too convincing and compelling for the Jerusalem Jewish church leaders to deny. Saint Peter, Martyr, pray for us! Seek the LORD and encourage others to do so. "They constrain you to be circumcised," Paul wrote (Galatians 6:12). The church leaders received Paul pleasantly; among them were James and all the elders (Acts 21:18). Both Peter and Paul were ordained of God to preach the gospel. Justification by faith that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for complete salvation unto eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:1-4Colossians 2:10). Peter preached holiness, and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (2 Peter 3:17). But recognition of the inspiration and authority of any book of the Bible requires more than just the authors claim. Paul tells us in Galatians 2 that, while Peter was staying at Antioch, Paul confronted him over an incident that developed over a visit from men sent by James. And by his actions, Peter influenced others to do likewise. An unbiased reading of Galatians 1 and 2 would lead us to say Paul did not speak of them with reverential awe. All crucial decisions in Acts were made collectively, by a group. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. Daniel and Jeremiah, Daniel 9:2; Peter and Paul, 2 Peter 3:15-16), but they were also privileged to reveal that which goes beyond the writings of the others and yet remains fully consistent with Scripture. Therefore I refuse to believe in hell, and any passage in Scripture which says there is a hell is too vague, too obscure, or inconsistent with too many other texts.. Powered by Invision Community. The principle of plurality is necessary because individuals are fallible. Even the apostles were infected with this superiority complex and reticent to accept that God had indeed chosen to save Gentiles as well as Jews. When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. Peter preached to Israel repentance and baptism for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Peter and the church: Peter preached to Israel (Acts 3:12). Here, as J. Vernon McGee used to say, the rubber meets the road.. The gospel makes equals of every saint, for the only righteousness which will get a man to heaven is Christs righteousness, received by faith, apart from works. This disagreement between Paul and Barnabas was not over any doctrinal matter, but it was a personal issue. And these things were foretold. Peter began preaching Jesus as the Messiah as early as Pentecost of 30 AD, only 50 days after Jesus' crucifixion. 17 AND HE CAME AND PREACHED PEACE TO YOU WHO WERE FAR AWAY, AND PEACE TO THOSE WHO WERE NEAR; 18 for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. He is declaring to his readers that Pauls epistles are the inspired Word of God. They had also convinced the Galatians that they needed to observe the Jewish Sabbath, Jewish feasts, and the Jewish calendar: "Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years," Paul noted, adding, "I am afraid [for] you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain." Peter was primarily the Apostle to Israel (Galatians 2:8). When the church at Antioch was born, the church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to minister to these new believers (11:22). It is most interesting to note who played the dominant role as this decision was reached. Paul writes in Galatians 2:11, "When Cephas (Peter) came to Antioch, I accused him to his face, for he was clearly in the wrong.". Paul was primarily the Apostle to Gentiles (Romans 11:132 Timothy 1:11). All Rights Reserved. Israel under the old covenant promises was promised to be a holy nation, a kingdom of kings and priests to rule over the Gentile nations with Christ (, ). We should learn from the example of Peter and Paul to inspire us to follow the Lord readily and courageously. Contrary to his preferences and prejudices, Peter will play a crucial part in Gods purpose to involve the apostles in Jerusalem in the evangelism of Gentiles. The Silence of God (Sir Robert Anderson Library Series) by Sir Robert Anderson Paperback. But there is only one Gospel and that is the Gospel that Jesus preached and that Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom, as found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and also in John . Here I continue the discussion by pointing out what seem to me to be the main similarities and differences between them, as I spelled it out in a post several years ago: ***** I have been talking about the relationship of Jesus' proclamation of the coming Kingdom of God to . (3) Since Paul is an apostle, his epistles are the inspired Word of God. Those who believed their gospels are in Christ. On the other hand Peter was robust; he is portrayed as having a commanding physique. Peter is to Paul in Acts what John the Baptist is to Jesus in the Gospels. The Apostles arethe body of Christ!!!! To be saved, Jews cannot embrace self-righteousness through law-keeping, but must trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter and the other disciples were Galileans who naturally tended toward provincialism. There are many churches of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in England and throughout Europe. His contacts with them were few and far between and of short duration. Lets look at their differences, not only because they are fascinating, but because they likewise draw us to meditate on how God is calling all of us to follow him. Paul and works: Paul taught salvation without works (Titus 3:5 Romans 4:6 Ephesians 2:8-9). This is the same event that we see in Galatians where Paul goes up to the apostles in Jerusalem. Amen. When Peter first arrived, he associated freely with the Gentile saints, eating his meals with them. But Paul had the idea that Jesus' message must . It was only as a result of the rejection of the gospel by the Jews that Paul and Barnabas focused their attention on Gentile evangelism (Acts 13:44-52). Though only two words, they bring tears to my eyes or to his, and sometimes to both. They would, however, say some statements have full divine authority. There are dozens of reasons it is important to know the difference of Peter and Paul's ministries. He taught their reward was stored in heaven but not in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). Where were the apostles and church leaders while all this debate was taking place? Is Divorce And Remarriage After Abuse, Neglect, Financial, Or Emotional Issues Okay? For a long time, I have understood Peters phrase, some things hard to understand,76 to refer to some perplexing texts which are hard to interpret like this one: 29 Otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? Salvation by grace through faith highlights . This is not to say God let the native Hebrew apostles off the hook that easily. Publicly, Paul rebuked Peter face to face. Paul did preach Jesus as the Son of God, but justification unto eternal life was based on the death, burial, and resurrection. Even though these two men travelled in different circles, Peter and Paul did encounter one another from time to time. And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. Home > Index > Mid-Acts Right Division > List: Differences Between Peter and Pauls Message. 76 The NEB renders this expression, though they contain some obscure passages.. Paul, however, saw that Peter slipped away from the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Paul preaches the gospel by which we are saved today. Paul's gospel: Paul taught the gospel of the uncircumcision (Galatians 2:7). Peter and Pauls conversions were very different, but very well known. When the Holy Spirit designated Barnabas and Paul as missionaries to the Gentile nations, His will was made known to the church leaders who collectively laid hands on them and sent them out (13:1-4). Paul's Argument - 2:15-21. Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. Paul was right to rebuke Peter for his hypocrisy in Galatians 2. In Acts 6, things begin to change as the leadership of the church begins to shift from the native Hebrews (those Jews born in Israel) to the Hellenistic Jews (those Jews born elsewhere whose native language and culture was foreign). Believing is faith as being persuaded that what is said is true. Instead, it led to a riot and ultimately took Paul, in chains, to stand before Caesar in Rome. Peter's Apostleship was diminishing after Paul was converted. The former was a born Jew. Justification by faith that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for complete salvation unto eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Colossians 2:10). Acts 15:12), and one by James (cf. Peter indicates that he is familiar with Pauls writings, and his mention of Paul and his epistles is far from casual. Wow. What Everyone is REALLY Thinking in the Cry Room, Laugh Your Way to Holiness with Catholic Card Game. One may presume that Peter and James did not trust this mysterious man, who suddenly, proclaims himself as an apostle. (4) All of Pauls collected epistles are the inspired Word of God. Paul and St. Peter were the leaders of the early Church, yet they were so very different-both in body and mind. If the three were set apart from the rest of the twelve, Peter was even set apart from James and John, due to his great confession. Peter would play a crucial role in the establishment of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:18-19).75 Johns reaction to the unauthorized ministry of one who was not one of the twelve may well reflect Peters sentiments (see Mark 9:38). But they are also a reminder of the depth of our relationship which has developed over the years. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard lest, being carried away by the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness, 18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 - "Now I would r, Paul did not preach a dead works faith . He distanced himself from the Gentile believers, and this out of fear for the party of the circumcision (2:12). I no longer believe this is what Peter actually meant. In many ways, they seem to stand apart form one another. And these things were foretold. This was as far as I got in this thread. The Law saves no one by law-keeping but condemns Jew and Gentile alike. Peter came to Antioch, the Gentile church which had become the launching pad of Gentile evangelism. And the standard they set was to be circumcised as a symbol of their commitment to keep the Law. And paul , whose habit in every city was to visit JEWISH synagogues with gospel too . Peter preached that Israel under the old covenant was redeemed and cleansed by the crucifixion and shed blood of Jesus (Matthew 26:28Hebrews 9:151 Peter 1:21 Peter 1:18-191 Peter 2:24). from the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), and an M.A. It was Peter who took the initiative to fill the vacancy among the apostles by selecting a new apostle from those in their midstfrom the candidates they put forward (Acts 1:15f.). Peter and Paul did not preach the same gospel messages. While Peter is prominent in the first part of Acts, Paul clearly dominates the latter portion of the book. "But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, 'Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.'" 3:6-9 ). Paul's Justification: Paul taught justification unto eternal life by the cross (1 Corinthians 1:18Galatians 6:14Colossians 1:20). (4) Putting the principle of submission in perspective. Peter's Apostleship: His Apostleship was commanded by Jesus Christ along with the other eleven disciples before Paul. The advice given to Paul in Acts 21 was that of James and all the elders (21:18). Paul and his writings, representing the trumpet that brought down Jericho's walls, provided the climax to the New Testament. 14 For He Himself is our peace, who made both [groups into] one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, 15 by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, [which is] the Law of commandments [contained] in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, [thus] establishing peace, 16 and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. Acts of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul 4. Paul in his epistles reveal the mysteries and doctrine for the church today. Total price: $25.94. God has practiced this separation of powers in both the Old and New Testaments. But God has so structured His church that He also speaks to a saint through other saints. In the Old Testament, there were prophets, priests, and kings. Peter also had obscure texts in his writings which cause students of Scripture to scratch their heads (such as 1 Peter 3:18-22). A friend I met a number of years ago when our church hosted a Prison Fellowship Discipleship Seminar will graduate soon from Wheaton Bible College. 11 And He gave some [as] apostles, and some [as] prophets, and some [as] evangelists, and some [as] pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13, emphasis mine). Gentiles had to come through Israel and it's covenants to be added to the church (, Paul and the church: Paul taught the church as the body of Christ, a new creature where there was neither Jew or Gentile (, Peter and heaven: Peter taught that Israel would receive the kingdom on earth (, Paul and heaven: Paul taught the church seated with Christ in heavenly places (. I , DOUG, have been in error , But now I see clearly that they all preached the ONE SAME GOSPLE. Folks read those letters . The seven were chosen and appointed to oversee the care of the widows so the apostles could pray and preach the word. Standing on the Promises--A Study of 2 Peter. When Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God, Peters gospel of the kingdom to Israel was limited to the circumcision. How much weight did Paul carry among these Jerusalem Jewish saints? I don't know how long its goin. 4Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. Paul preaches the gospel by which we are saved today. Paul was from Tarsus, in modern-day Turkey. (7) Pauls writings are inspired, inerrant, and authoritative, though hard to swallow, even for the other apostles. Ultimately, we are accountable to God, and there are times when we must obey God rather than men. After Stephens death and the scattering of the saints, evangelism began to take place among the Samaritans and the Gentiles. Paul noted that Peter used to eat with the Gentiles, but when Jews came he . Your answer was very good. Israel would inherit the promise of the Davidic kingdom on earth (Luke 1:32 Genesis 13:15). Paul did not treat Peter the way that the papal critics treat Francis. It is the difference between Catholicism (built on Peter) and Protestantism (built on Paul - as Martin Luther discovered "Justification by Faith alone" by reading the first epistle of Paul in the Bible, the book of Romans). Peter preached holiness, and to remain steadfast unto the coming of Jesus and his kingdom (, Paul and works: Paul taught salvation without works (, Peter and the church: Peter preached to Israel (Acts 3:12). Peter and Paul, coming from vastly different backgrounds, holding different demeanors, nonetheless, in Christ, were able to come together as one. Paul believed that Peter really was the visible head of the Church on earth and trusted his final decisions. Here is the truth which God revealed through Paul to the church (including the at least initially reluctant and later forgetful apostles): 11 Therefore remember, that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by the so-called Circumcision, [which is] performed in the flesh by human hands 12 [remember] that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. Peter had denied Jesus not just once (as did Judas Iscariot, who unfortunately entered into despair rather than repenting), nor twice, but three times. Surely the fact that Peter endorsed Pauls epistles as Scripture lends weight to their recognition as such by the church. We could sum up Peters words concerning Paul and his letters with the following statements: (1) As Peter has been speaking of those who are false teachers, his words here are intended to inform us Paul is not to be considered one of them. What we know about Paul comes from two extraordinary sources. God may well intend to edify our church through the ministry of someone from outside our flock. Paul too preached the Gospel of the Kingdom. Paul and the resurrection: Paul taught that Christ was risen for our justification (Romans 4:25). Peter's Apostleship: His Apostleship was commanded by Jesus Christ along with the other eleven disciples before Paul. Copyright EpicPew. Paul, mentioned briefly for his part in the . But Paul pressed this error to its ultimate and most despicable rootsit was a denial of the gospel. It is true that cultists attempt to build doctrines on their interpretation of such texts. Peter and Paul: What was their Relationship? Even though we have come this far, we are only just beginning to grasp the point Peter strives to make with its implications. St. Paul encouraged the Christians in unruly Corinth: "Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you" (1 . James nor paul contradicted each other . Peter dominates the gospel stories, and Paul, who converts to Christianity much later, dominates the rest of the New Testament with his prolific letter writing. Separation between the Jew and Gentile; Israel is Gods chosen people. You can learn more about Saint Peter and Pauls conversions, and how the Lord used their situations to call them to serve his kingdom, by reading the Catholic Encyclopedias entries on Saint Peter and Saint Paul. And together, we have one gospel message, articulated by a multi-faceted New Testament. The author of Scripture claims or implies his epistle is divinely inspired and authoritative (see, for example, 1 Corinthians 14:37-38). This causes a big dispute between Paul and these Judaizers. How does Paul speak of them? In Peter's speech, he reminded the church of his own ministry to the Gentilesnamely the conversion of the Cornelius . "But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; (For he that wrought . These two words convey a lot more meaning to me than they would to others. Their presence is somehow always lingering in Jerusalem in particular, but also even in the Gentile churches. 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