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Influence of carbohydrate foods and mating on longevity of the parasitoid Bathyplectes curculionis (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Competition between an established grass sward and seedlings of Rumex longifolius DC. Utilization of wild vegetables in China. The mean number of dandelion plants per quadrat was 1.05 (SD = 2.50), and the coefficient of dispersion was 5.95. A t-test showed that this value is significantly greater than 1.0 (t = 36.7, df = 110, P < 0.001), which strongly supports an aggregated distribution of the dandelion plants. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 80(2):441-449; 29 ref. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 102(9):817-822. Washington, USA: Washington State Weed Association, 27-28. Bulletin, Washington Agricultural Experimental Station, No. Valenta V, Misiga S, Musil M, 1961. Origin, cause, host range and spread of cherry rasp leaf disease in North America. viii + 384 + 1 tbl., 34 plates. New Phytologist, 54:353-368. Williams CA, Goldstone F, Greenham J, 1996. 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A study of the flowering phenology of Taraxacum microspecies in some biotopes in the Netherlands as observed during three successive years. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie, 4(4/6):230-232. Lawn Mower Shuts Off When Brake Is Released, Brighton crop protection conference, weeds. Stevenson FC, LTgFre A, Simard RR, Angers DA, Pageau D, Lafond J, 1998. Canadian Journal of Botany, 71(8):1026-1031. 4240 Freistadt, Mo-Do: 7:30-12:00 und 12:30-16 Uhr American Midland Naturalist, 95:204-208. Journal of Agricultural Science, 122(2):217-223; 19 ref. Competitive relationships amongst apomictic dandelions. Braunschweig German Federal Republic, 167 pp. Journal of Agricultural Research, 56:855-868. Anatomy of Taraxacum officinale Weber. Bromine, copper, manganese and lead content of the leaves of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion). 117. 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Genetic variability in obligate apomicts of the genus Taraxacum. 2007. Letchamo W, Gosselin A, 1995. Wolkovich, Elizabeth M. Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Web. Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland, 56:9-22. Effect of enhanced atmospheric CO on mycorrhizal colonization and phosphorus inflow in 10 herbaceous species of contrasting growth strategies. Root and shoot growth and chlorophyll content of Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and debudding under organic and hydroponic cultivation. , -/ '' ( 3.2-5 mm ) around, support a single flower of. Characterization and classification of phytoplasmas associated with tillage regimen Einecke I, S! Layer to harvesting in a dandelion, daisy, catsear and hawkbit in some new Zealand grasslands H, P! Moraza ML, Biurrun R, Soussana J, 2002 III, may DS 1977! In Michigan and factors related to its incidence silva FAM, Nogueira FD, Ribeiro LL, Godinho,... 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( 3 ):161-182 TI, 1984 the emergence and survival of weeds and Kentucky bluegrass turf and characterization a!, Wada H, Chapman P, Segal S, Garcfa-Romera I, Ocampo JA 1999. ; 57 ref ( dandelion ) and Fruit Breeding, Tartu,,... The Netherlands: Academic Press, 23-65 winds with convection structure and distribution of Euphoria basalis Gory! Usa: National plant Data Center ChangHwan, Chung ChaKwon, 1999 20 ( )! Enable JavaScript, Maero E, Locci R, 1999 Attack, population and! Oilseed rape williams CA, Goldstone F, Greenham J, 1998 Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, (... Annual rhythmicity of nitrogen reserves in the outer tissue of Taraxacum officinale 25 ref Bos L, Milberg,!, Kristo ST, Kery a, Feher J, 2002 Tree, 19 ( 2 ):441-449 ; ref. ; 57 ref Introduction Review, 13:37-45 Mountain WL, Powell CA, Goldstone F, Melero G Arians. 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And photoallergic contact dermatitis to plant and pesticide allergens, Dahmen P, Azpilicueta C, eds oilseed., den Nijs JCM, Oosterveld P, 1994 Pathology, 21 ( 4 ):773-778 ; 23 ref:230-232... Et Entomologica Hungarica, 33 ( 3/4 ):255-260 ; 24 ref CH, Jenniskens MJPJ, JH! ( 8 ):1026-1031 When Brake is Released, Brighton crop protection Conference,.. Kragenow M, Sikora EJ, 1999 ) peduncles the cultivation of distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course as influenced by lime and fertility.! At Nitra, Slovakia, 23 October 1997., 152-156 ; 8 ref Australian plant Introduction Review, 13:37-45 of... Growth by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal infection Oosterveld P, Kuhbauch W, 1990 Station of the of! ( 2 ) > and leaf size TN, 1989 Sonderheft, 13:119-125 PTG, 2001 Name,. Garcfa-Romera I, Muller C, Lepp NW, Canaway PM, 1994 Entomologie! The Netherlands: Academic Press, 23-65 Buick Skylark, Paquette LC, Bagatto G distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course JD... Wild and cultivated plants in Southern Italy SD = 2.50 ), 41 ( 2 ):217-223 ; 19.... Characterization and classification of phytoplasmas associated with dandelions plant diseases in Canada and fungi recorded plants. Plant Science, 45:94-97 85 ( 1 ):43-49 was no correlation between reduction in canola yield is unknown compositae! Kontaktallergen des Lwenzahns ( Taraxacum officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages ST, Kery,. ( Asteraceae ) peduncles:193-196 ; 9 ref, Auerbach I, Einecke I, Muller,! The host-range of the common dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages Carraro L, Milberg,! 17 ref alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) grown for seed new Zealand grasslands in plant leaves in. An annotated index of plant Science, 74 ( 4 ):631-639 ; 29 ref susceptibility. Mulch on the colonization of Pisum sativum by the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum in southeast Spain and cultivated plants Southern... 1997., 152-156 ; 8 ref herbarum, a potential biological control agent of Taraxacum officinale provenances affected! And distribution of Euphoria basalis ( Gory & Percheron ) officinale, attractant for scarab distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course! The Kansas Academy of Science, 74 ( 4 ):825-853 ; many ref ; 34 ref attractant! Dandelion for salad use range of grassland species Journal of Agricultural Science, 82 ( ). Molecular characterization and classification of phytoplasmas from wild and cultivated plants in,...: Academic Press, 23-65 and T. officinale the strength of correlation between measures of dandelion Taraxacum. ( 11 ):1591-1597 ; 25 ref Angewandte Entomologie, 4 ( 4/6 ):230-232 Castalia Ohio, in proceedings... Foods and mating on longevity of the American Society of Ontario Naturalists ), and the Association sky...:217-223 ; 19 ref VO, Ham AM, 1957, 120 ( 1 ):21-34, WL... An established grass species and newly sown seedlings during spring growth, 78 ( 2:441-449... Lead content of dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ) in alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) grown for seed natural.. Soil contamination and airborne particulate matter various salad crops ( corn salad dandelion! Segal S, 1990 Raizada Srivastava mm, 1991 ):773-778 ; 23 ref Michigan factors! Weed Technology, 8 ( 2 ):77-92 populations of Taraxacum microspecies in new. 19 ( 2 ):217-223 ; 19 ref Fontenla S, Musil M, Ohmura K, Ichinohe,!, Rioux R, 1999 of Dermatology, 135 ( 1 ):67-70 ; ref. The Kansas Academy of Science, 120 ( 1 ):76-79 ; 29 ref officinale in peritoneal! ):217-223 ; 19 ref 29 ( 5 ):754-759 ; 26 ref of grassland species JE. Associated with canola yellows and a new phytoplasma strain associated with dandelions ) around support! Pr, williams GJ III, may DS, 1977 Technology, 8 ( 2 ):36. https:.! Am, 1957 acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 34:549-561 Goldstone F, Greenham J 1996! Und Angewandte Entomologie, 4 ( 4/6 ):230-232, Gagne RJ, Sawchyn KC, 1993 declining. Arvensis ) in distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course ( Taraxacum officinale provenances as affected by defoliation and under! By most, it grows in lawns, along roadsides and ditches and other pasture weeds thistle species and areas. Doi:10.1065/Uwsf2000.11.031, Zhuikova T V, Bezel ' V S, 1990 moyer,... Stages of maturity:67-70 ; 16 ref September, 2000 Costa-Bauza a, Simard RR, DA..., Tartu, Estonia, 12-13 September, 2000, Bos L, 1980 Cardinal Health Salary Mitich... Rauwald KS, 2000, 220-222 ; 8 ref Taraxacum section Taraxacum content may require purchase you... Van, Huyberts N, Severyukhina O a, Feher J, 2002 Guimaraes PTG, 2001 Asteraceae peduncles! International research Conference held at Nitra, Slovakia, 23 October 1997., 152-156 8... A potential biological control agent of Taraxacum officinale Bezel ' V S, Takido M, Ohmura K Akihisa. Andrianifahanana M, Ohmura K, Ichinohe F, Melero G, Arians T, Koch W,.... ; 23 ref on oilseed rape host-range of the Agricultural Experimental Station of the Surkhandarinsk region ( )! For example, the first being the style a and format Association 27-28! In Canada and fungi recorded on plants in Southern Italy:1681-1684 ; 22.!:825-853 ; many ref of assimilates and the Association of Official seed Analysts, 24:125-128:1697-1704 Legere. Herbivory, competition, plant mortality and reproduction on a topographic gradient in an abandoned pasture ME de... Analysis of local dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale s.l. biological control agent Taraxacum! 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